Top 40 SEO Myths In 2021 That Everyone Should Know About Them

Top 40 SEO Myths In 2021 That Everyone Should Know About Them

Myth # 1: First Stage Stories Only

  • Many of the ebooks and other resources used by business owners will place significant emphasis on the need for top search results, whether on Google Search, on other search engines, or even on sites such as social media. But research has shown that people will often look at other results and will walk down the page. Being more than a second page, for example, can be very helpful in traffic. Also, the search level is only one part of the puzzle. Now Google puts more results on the page such as community recommendations and location results, which means that there are more options open to you, and being a first-stopper is not as important as it used to be.

Myth # 2: You can do SEO without outside help

  • Doing SEO simply means that you follow a set of strategies and procedures to increase the chances that web users will visit your site. It is true that anyone can learn these techniques, and if you are a website owner and want to do your own SEO you can spend time learning and applying those techniques. But SEO can be complex and affect many areas such as online marketing, coding, technical features and PR skills. Most business owners do not have everything they need to do a good job in SEO, which is why there are so many agencies that offer help. A simple IT worker or internet marker is often not enough if you want really good results.

Myth # 3: META tags are very important

  • It is common for all pages on your site to require META tags in order to be properly placed. Those are the small pieces of code that can give Google a list of keywords and definitions. The search engine would place itself on those to find out what your website is about. Now, though, that doesn't affect your level at all. Both Google and Bing stopped paying attention to META tags in order to target sites. Still, they are useless. For example, your description marker will be a text that usually appears next to a link from a search result, so it is still part of the useful action.

Myth # 4: Wealthy domain names are listed above

  • Back in the dot days, it was common for the URL you used to be the most important. Google has placed a high value on the domain name, and if you can find a name with your own keyword, you can gain more revenue than other sites. That is why many companies in the late 90s bought domain names for a lot of money. But now, the targeting process only looks at the actual content of your pages, not the domain name. That name is still important, because people still see it, but it won't make you a better person.

Myth # 5: You must submit your site to Google or other search engines

  • All search engines have URL submission forms where you can submit your site to Google and others. In fact, they still do, but that process is unnecessary. The crawl used by these engines has now been sufficiently processed that any new location will be available in a few days, if not hours. The only time you would have to worry about moving your site if for some reason it was not automatically displayed after a few days.

Myth # 6: Posting a site map will improve your levels

  • Google provides a template for webmasters and from there, you can submit a site map, an XML file that contains links to all the pages on your site. Some site owners take the time to submit the file every time they make a change, but that is not necessary. Posting a sitemap does not change your standards, all you do is add pages that may not have already been shown. If your site is standard and has links to all pages, then you will not be required.

Myth # 7: SEO has nothing to do with social media

  • Before the advent of Facebook and Twitter, SEO was the only way to get live traffic. But now, social media is everywhere, and the line is quickly blurring between the two. While some marketers still view SEO and social media as a variety of animals, the fact is that they are highly linked. For example, Google now incorporates its social network, Google Plus, into its search results. If you can find people who have enough influence to talk about your product and link to your site, then their recommendations will appear in any Google search results of their friends. This clearly affects SEO. On the other hand, Facebook has started following the search again, with the recent launch of their Open Graph engine, which searches according to friends and interests. So the two sectors are closely linked, and are getting closer and closer together.

Myth # 8: Google does not read CSS files

  • The Google bot used to be old-fashioned and only saw text, which is why many people focused on the text part of their website. But now that engine is clean and learning JavaScript, CSS, and more. The searcher determines whether the presentation of your site is attractive to users or not. For example, if someone searches on a mobile device and you do not have a mobile site on your site, you may miss out.

Myth # 9: You need to update your homepage all the time

  • Some people think that by updating their content on the home page they will always set higher standards, or by not updating them, their status will decline. In most cases that is not the case, because if you have a sales page that offers a product, then there will be no reason to update that page unless something about the product has changed, and Google expects that.

Myth # 10: The H1 title has a greater value than your entire text

  • The layout of your page is recognized by Google and other search engines, but you should be aware that many sites are organized in a very different way. As such, no one marker is more valuable than another. The H1 tag is simply the title associated with the CSS installation so that the user can see your page in a certain way. It doesn't make Google position your page differently when you use H2 tags instead, or when your keywords

Myth # 11: Linking to other top sites helps your level

  • Some sites try to link to many other top sites to help their ranks, but that doesn't help. Google uses PageRank to determine the quality of your site, and that algorithm is based on how useful your site is to others, and as a result will determine how many other people link to you. Just because you connect with them doesn't matter. Otherwise, any site can go up by simply linking to millions of sites, which is not the case.

Myth # 12: Using default SEO methods is always spam

  • Most people use default SEO methods that do not enter the spam area. Most companies have very large sites and use automated scripts to do a lot of SEO grunt work. Whether the spammy method is based on the result, not on its default.

Myth # 13: PageRank is the only thing that matters

  • The algorithm used by Google to measure sites is PageRank, which determines how useful the site is to others. But the result also takes references from hundreds of other inputs as well, according to Google. Some of these entries are easy to spot, such as your site being recommended by others to Google Plus. This proves that it is not only important for PageRank. The company is always unaware of how much input, and how important it is for each individual to be measured, but it is clear that there is more to it than just PageRank. With that being said, however, it is still widely believed that PageRank is the most important thing, and a PR1 page is always better than PR3.

Myth # 15: Title tag is hidden in search engines

  • Most of what Google sees on your site is text that is visible to users, such as that which appears on the screen and is provided in a web browser. As it is, it would be easy to assume that the title is not downloaded. However, your article is very important for SEO, because that is the text from the link people will click on. Google not only uses it to help your quality, but people will see it again when they click on your site.

Myth # 16: Usability does not affect SEO

  • The whole point of SEO is to get traffic and get people to stay on your site to enjoy or buy your products and services. As it is, SEO is very much in line with usage, because this is what will make the difference to someone staying on your site for a long time. If your site is difficult to use or navigates to, it is much easier for people to go to the next search result. Also, search engines themselves will look for design and usability. If your site is difficult to navigate to your viewers, it will also be difficult for the page, and having poor use can affect your levels.

Myth # 17: backlinks are the best

  • It is true that sites are highly ranked and authoritative, because these are legitimate sites that are well maintained and spam-free. However, this is just a product of how they are stored, not a guarantee. The simple fact that they have a domain that ends or .edu does not help your level at all. If you have a backlink to one of these sites, it will depend on how powerful that site is. You get nothing called a place of learning or government. Posting a backlink to the site will not help you more than posting it on an anonymous blog.

Myth # 18: SEO is based on the number of links a site has

  • Believing that the success of an SEO campaign to get backlinks is most likely not to understand how the position works. Any level algorithm, whether Google, Bing, Facebook, etc. will rank the sites according to many different things. To make SEO effective, you have to deal with all of these things, and having multiple links is just one small piece of the puzzle. Also, each link has its own quality value. Often, a single link from a popular news site about your product will be more important than hundreds of spam links on anonymous blog sites.

Myth # 19: Backlinks are more important than content

  • SEO tends to cost time and money, and as a result it is unreasonable to assume that you can do your best in all aspects of online marketing. Often you have to make decisions, and some may be tempted to focus on creating links instead of content. However, the purpose of SEO is to bring good traffic to your site. Quality is very important, not just quantity. Lack of good content means that your site is empty to anyone, and as a result we will quickly lose any value that additional links have provided to you. In fact, the most useful backlinks are usually not the ones you have direct access to. It's reviews from celebrities in your niche, news sites, and anyone who is already an official talking about your product. With good content, those links can come on their own, easily PR or orally. But a lot of backlinks on low profile blogs won't help you at all, and the level you can get from them won't last as long as those sites clear those links. Instead, focus on your audience and try to determine who you are writing to. By producing great content you help your site over time.

Myth # 20: Paid links will block you from Google

  • There are many ways to get links, and some of them include some form of payment. But not all paid links are always bad, depending on how that payment is made. For example, many sites, including Google, offer advertising services. You can purchase an ad at Adword, you can go to another ad network, and many sites offer their own ad services. While some of them may not give you any level, some may, and those are completely legal. Paying for a site that focuses on your niche to have a link in a structured environment will not stop you, but you should keep in mind that there are ways to do so. Buying low-quality links in bulk is one of the best ways to remove your site from the index.

Myth # 21: Good content is all you need

  • Like building an army of links will not help you keep traffic too long, have good content and nothing else is enough. Most people agree that good content is the key to a successful site. By including posts, useful to your visitors, you can ensure that they will want to visit your site and stay there longer. However, just doing it does not make you known. Even the best site has to do some SEO to bring traffic. Marking is very important on any site, and getting your product out there with SEO is the only way you will bring those eyes to that content. Your articles and posts should be paired with good signals, and that includes doing many common SEO techniques that can get you ranked on search engines so people can find your content.

Myth # 22: Google actively punishes certain sites

  • Anyone who has done a certain job in SEO has been puzzled at some point when they see unusual drops in the standard. It may seem like you did nothing wrong, you increased all your marketing efforts, but somehow Google decided to keep you low. It would be easy to assume that your site has been penalized in some way, but often that is not the case. Google explicitly states that they only penalize sites that violate their terms of use by following illegal methods as spam users. In most cases, the problem is elsewhere. One possible reason is the activity of other sites, not you. For example, perhaps a competitor has received a lot of links because they appear on popular TV programs. Another reason is that Google has changed some part of the internal algorithm, which happens more often and could be catastrophic for other sites. Many people remember the Panda update that changed the status of millions of sites. Unfortunately in these cases it can be very difficult to find the cause and fix it, and you may need to work hard on SEO to get your position back. Resist the temptation to go spam or blame Google for it.

Myth # 23: Google AdWords will give you an optional treat

  • AdWords is a very useful Google program where you can place ads on other sites for your own advertising. It should be a part of any online advertising campaign. However, AdWords itself does not help raise your standards. Some think that because the company pays Google, then they will give them better management in organic search, but that is not the case. On any standard search page, you can easily see that natural results are separated from paid ads. The PPC ad campaign will give you a position in the sense that it will allow you to be seen on the ad side of the page, but it does not affect your position on the biological side in any way.

Myth # 24: SEO is a one-off operation

  • Many sites make this mistake. When a site is new and newly created, owners will invest in a particular SEO, and think everything is done. But like marketing in the real world, SEO is not something you can do once and forget. Instead, a continuous process that should be performed over a long period of time, usually the entire life of the site. This is because the web is not a written encyclopedia, it is a constantly changing process. New competitors are emerging, search engines are changing their tactics, new marketing opportunities are emerging, and links that were once good may be old and not so important. By keeping an eye on your SEO efforts you make sure your position doesn’t leave, and you can continue to focus on new strategies that may seem to work better.

Myth # 25: SEO companies can get guaranteed results

  • This is a very common claim that some advertising firms prefer to use. They say that through their methods, your results will be guaranteed. But the fact is that no one can look for an irrational approach for the same reason that SEO is not something you do when you forget. Everything changes online and you never know when something that used to work well will stop working. Some tactics are obviously better than others, but none are guaranteed. Also, if there was a magical way to get a higher position, you can be sure that it will be leaked at some point, and then everyone will use the same tactic, making it useless.

Myth # 26: Putting too many links on each page can punish you

  • Some people have been told that a certain number of links on the page could be bad for your ranks. For example, placing more than 100 links on your landing page would be offensive to Google and you would be penalized in some way. While it is true that spam links on a page are something you should not do, and the Google bot has ways to find out when a page is a single typing link, you should not be afraid to create pages with multiple links. As long as they are relevant and part of the normal navigation of your site, then there will be no penalty. The worst that can happen in these situations is that Google may decide to ignore 100 links, but that's all.

Myth # 27: Internal links don't care about SEO

  • Most people think of links only to backlinks, and they only focus on having other sites linked to their pages. But internal links are important, as the placement of your site is important, because search engines try to act as a standard web viewer as possible. If your site has a bad internal navigation, Google will be able to find that, and this may penalize you. Take the time needed to build good internal links and an easy-to-use navigation system for your site. This is an easy thing to do and you should not skip this step.

Myth # 28: The popularity of Facebook or tweets is the first factor in SEO

  • Social media have played a major role in how people find information on the web today, and the tags posted by these sites are indexed by search engines in real time. No modern business should ignore social media, just because of the time people spend on Facebook or Twitter. However, there is not a single social site that is a sacred graph of SEO. While gaining a love of Facebook may be important, it is not so much the same as many other methods that can be used. Also, there are arguments that point to the fact that although most people spend a lot of time on social networking sites, they do so to talk to friends, not to buy products, so the benefits of such popularity are not as understandable as the benefits of good placement on Google. You should not ignore traditional SEO and focus only on social media.

Myth # 29: Keywords are no longer valid

  • Sites are usually built with a section below full of keywords to attract more traffic using something called keyword targeting. In recent years, well-known vendors may find that this is no longer necessary, in fact it is a very frustrating practice for search engines. However, this does not mean that key words are less important. While you should not be able to enter a keyword on the page, finding the right percentage of your keywords in your original text is still important. When someone searches a particular word on Google, the time specified by this keyword on your page is still very limited.

Myth # 30: Using great headlines will improve your level

  • Header tags like H1 or H2 are important because search engines look at the structure of your site, so you need to have sensible titles that contain your keywords so that the search engine knows what the content is about. However, the size or style of these topics, such as what CSS issues you use, does not matter because Google and other search engines are interested in content and usage, not art style.

Myth # 31: Keywords should be exactly the same

  • It is true that words should be consistent with what people type in a search engine, however there are arguments to use words other than your chosen keywords. For example, many words have many of the same words, and people type those same words over and over again. By using a large selection of keywords, you can be sure that you will also catch that search. Also, while keywords will bring your site to results, even if someone clicks on your link depending on the title of that link. By having a smart title, something people would like to click on, you gain more than just repeating a list of keywords.

Myth # 32: PageRank no longer matters

  • While Google was starting to become the top search engine and everyone focused on optimization, PageRank became the first way to estimate every market that would follow. It was common, and still is, the most relevant input metrics, but the company has often made it clear that sites are ranked in hundreds of different metrics, not just PageRank. As a result, some have lost interest in the PR scale. However, that does not mean that PageRank is no longer functional. While it is true that you have to focus on other things, you also need to look at your PageRank.

Myth # 33: Google Analytics can test people

  • Google Analytics is the most popular analytics software used by sites on this website, and as a result some people think they are overweight. But the company has repeatedly stated that no personal data is transmitted using Google Analytics. Indeed, if you are actually using this service on your site, you may see that the data you have access to is anonymous, and you only see numbers, not people.

Myth # 34: You have to complete your site before you start worrying about SEO

  • SEO can be thought of as a marketing form, and many marketing efforts are made after the site is completed, but there are steps you need to take beforehand. For example, you should make sure you have good structure, good navigation, META tags, titles, and so on. All of these are part of SEO and should be done while building a site. Also keep in mind that search engines can find your site as soon as it is live, so you want your SEO to be ready whenever Google starts crawling it.

Myth # 35: Buying links, likes or tweets will help your site improve

  • There are many sites that sell the likes of Facebook, fans, and so on. Generally, those services seem cheaper, such as $ 10,000 for $ 10. However, in most cases these are not worth the money. First of all, it is usually fake accounts, bots just follow in bulk in price. They are not real people, which means no one will see those social symbols, and as a result they will not raise your profile. What’s worse is that many sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google prohibit these types of actions, and if you are not found, you can be misled.

Myth # 36: Paid links always appear on shady sites

  • In the case of many services, it is true that many of those paid links will come from reputable sources, including bots or proxies. However, many reputable sites also sell links, through advertising or even specialized management. In those cases, you may have official links to top-ranked sites, and those can help your site rank better on search engines.

Myth # 37: Google won't find any bad or spam links

  • Some of the people who buy links in bulk or use automated spam blogs think that Google will not find them, and that they will benefit from their bad habits. In many cases, that may be true, since Google and other search engines are not part of the secret police. But while bad links may not be found, the biggest risk is that the sites where your links are placed will be found and removed from the index, or that the actual algorithm will be changed to make those backlinks inactive. If that happens you can get a big change in your level.

Myth # 38: You should not put too many outgoing links

  • Some people think they should only link to a small number of outgoing sites. There is only one case where linking to other sites can hurt you, and that is if you become part of a backlinks network with the sole purpose of raising your rank. If so, when one site is found, all can be beaten. But in any case, Google and other search engines do not care how much link you have, and there is no limit to how many times you can link to other sites.

Myth # 39: With good SEO you don’t need PPC marketing

  • Some sites will spend a lot of time doing SEO and get good natural results, but still PPC campaigns can be helpful. Checking is usually not the same people who click on ads compared to those who click on organic links, so it might be best to do both, if you have your money. Also, PPC links are guaranteed to cost you only if someone clicks, and you may not suffer from changes in algorithms such as Panda updates.

Myth # 40: You can cheat search levels

  • This is a myth many marketing sites are trying to highlight, the fact that they can somehow use search rates in a way that is not traditional SEO. The whole point of SEO is to try to rate your site better. If there was another method that really worked, by definition it could be part of SEO. The fact is that there is no magic formula to deceive search standards, and often when someone says they can, they mean they will use illegal methods to speed up your search. But using spam and other spammy tactics means that your site is being compromised. You can have an incentive now but pay later.

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